The Application of Reed Relays in the Feedback Loop of Digital Oscilloscopes

Digital oscilloscopes are indispensable tools for designing, manufacturing, and repairing electronic devices. With the rapid development of technology and market demand, engineers require the best tools to quickly and accurately solve measurement challenges. As the engineer’s eyes, digital oscilloscopes are critical in meeting current and challenging measurement requirements. As the digital world is composed of high-speed pulses and increasing operating speeds, oscilloscope designers face challenges in improving their ability to display these high-speed digital pulses. In this regard, MiRelay reed relays play an important role in the operational amplifier feedback loop of oscilloscopes.

Fast oscilloscopes, like all oscilloscopes, have several time ranges that allow users to evaluate slower signals and faster pulses by selecting different timers. This is usually accomplished in the feedback loop of the operational amplifier. In semiconductor switch testing, excessive capacitor leakage can interfere with the equipment being tested, which means that the isolation is not good enough. In addition, mechanical relays are bulky, have a short lifespan, and are expensive. MiRelay’s HVMR series reed relays represent a high-tech and low-cost solution.

The HVMR series of small-sized reed relays has the following features:

  • High reliability and ideal RF characteristics
  • Dielectric strength between contacts of 1000V
  • Grounding pins and external magnetic shielding
  • Low contact resistance and long-life sealed contacts
  • Insulation resistance above 10T.